Fitzroy Junior Football Club Website


Match Report – Round 2


Two games down and they couldn't have been more different: the first played in the wintriest of conditions with the boys fast out of the gates, the second played in the heat and a slow start by the team.


But, both ended in great wins after some fabulous displays of hard work, determination and skills.


After a first round loss, Ivanhoe played hard from the first bounce and looked to have some very skilled players, particularly on the big, hard ground and the swirling breeze. The play was all down their end, with the Roys lucky that several of their opponents scoring shots went astray. Aiden, Lewis, Ben C, Oskar and Riley were able to move the ball down a couple of times, but no-one was able to convert. At quarter-time, the Roys were 5 points to Ivanhoe's 2 4 16.


A great goal early to Micah was enough to set the Roys off for the rest of the game. Ben Mac, Daniel and Fraser all contributed to forward moves, with goals being scored by Aiden, Ben C, Micah (2) and Ben Mac. Star of the quarter, however, was Riley who seemed to be everywhere, without an opportunity wasted. At half-time, the scoreboard had changed to Roys 5 9 39, Ivanhoe 4 5 29.


After an early goal by Ben C and a great mark by Adam in the third quarter, there was no stopping the Roys forward. Ben C and Adam kicked three apiece during the quarter, having had balls delivered beautifully to them by Aiden, Ned, David, Harry P, Oskar and Harrison. There was even a “Nic-Nat” moment when Ned rucked and then roved with great aplomb.


And just to show they were happy to kick goals at every end, Aiden, Harrison, Adam and Daniel kicked another four in the last quarter. As in the first game, Ben Mac ran hard and fast all day, gathering another swag of possessions.


Well done Roys.