FJFC Constitution
the Fitzroy Junior Football Club Constitution
Codes of Conduct (Coaches, Players and Parents)
The FJFC stresses the need for good conduct by all people involved in
the game - players, officials, parents - everyone.
Please read the FJFC and YJFL Code of Conduct by clicking the links below.
the FJFC Code of Conduct for Coaches
the FJFC Cultural Framework & Code of Conduct for Players and Parents
the YJFL Codes of Conduct
Coaching Selection Policy
the FJFC Coaching Selection Policy
Registrations and Transfers Policy
Registration Link:
Existing Players
Existing Priority Online Registrations will open in mid January of each year
Priority Registration for returning players (players who played with the Club in the season before).
All registered players from the previous year will receive a registration email reminder from SportingPulse. Notification will also be added to the Club’s website and Facebook page. Registration closing date for these players will be three (3) weeks from opening date and after the end of the first week of the school Term 1. Any player not registered by the closing date may forfeit their position at the Club if teams are at capacity.
Late registrations from returning players will have no priority over new player or transfer registrations.
New Player Registrations
New Player Online Registrations will open February.
Registration is to open the day after Existing Player Online Registrations are closed.
Once the Club receives an online registration, it will be placed in pending in order of receipt. Each new registration must be accompanied by proof of age. A photo of a player’s birth certificate or passport can be taken by phone and forwarded to No player will be approved for registration without proof of age.
Once a position has been found in an appropriate team, the player will receive a confirmation/welcome email and general information to assist in the purchase of club gear.
If teams are at capacity the player will be notified by email and a request for bank account details made so a refund of registration fees can be issued by the Clubs Treasurer.
Transferring Players
Transfer Applications will open February (same date as New Player Registrations)
Transferring players are required to send an email to to request a transfer. Details required to complete a transfer are:
- Full Name
- Date of Birth
- Club transferring from
Once the transfer has been approved, players will receive a confirmation email and a link to registration. Each new transfer/registration must be accompanied by proof of age. A photo of a player’s birth certificate or passport can be taken by phone and forwarded to No player/transfer will be approved for registration without proof of age.
If teams are at capacity the player will be notified by email and the transfer will not proceed.
Players may request to be placed on the Clubs registration waiting list if teams are at capacity. This request must be made via email to registration. If a position on a team becomes available, players will be notified in order of placement via email with a link to registration.
Finalising Teams
After registrations are received and teams start to reach capacity, the Club will finalise Coaches and Team Managers. The Coaches will work closely with the Coaching Development team to work out team structures.
Once teams have been finalised, applications to Council for ground permits will commence. Team Managers/Coaches will contact players regarding training dates and times as soon as permits are approved.
Club Fees
Annual registration fees (subject to change):
$250 – Player 1 and 2
$150 – Player 3
$125 – Subsidy (application required)
Coaches – Player 1 (fully subsidised)
If a family has more than one player the first two players will be at full registration and the third player at $150.
Fees are due online at the time of registration, except for subsidy payments. Unregistered players are prohibited from playing any games for the Club.
Subsidy Application Forms will be issued by Registration. Contact in the first instance to receive an application form. All applications for subsidy will be lodged with the Clubs Committee for approval. Applicants will be advised via email regarding approval. Once approval has been received, registration and subsidy payment will be required. Any payment plans must be approved by the Committee.
All registration refunds will be made via EFT to a nominated bank account and will be at the discretion of the Clubs Committee. Applications will be reviewed on each individual circumstance. Refund requests should be made by email to
YJFL Championship Fee Subsidy
The Club will pay 50% of registration fees incurred by players who are selected by the YJFL to play in the championship squad. The Club will assist with registration fees for championship players already approved by the Committee for a season registration subsidy. Applications for assistance should be made through Registration by email. Subsidy amounts and approval are at the discretion of the Committee.
Required Club gear is purchased by players at SportsMart (Cnr Separation + High Street, Northcote)
Shorts – 1 x Blue (home)
Shorts – 1 x White (away)
A playing jumper will be provided to each player by the Team Manager. The jumper will be required to be returned to the Team Manager at the end of the season. The playing jumper is the property of FJFC and not to be altered in any fashion. Loss or alteration of a playing jumper will incur a $50 fee.
Footy Boot Swap
The boot swap operates on a 'donate what you can, take what you need' system. Players have 3 options - donate boots or donate and take a pair or just take a pair.
Fitzroy Junior Football Club Conduct Panel
The Fitzroy Junior Football Club is committed to conducting
its activities - on and off the field - as a model club and we stress
the need for good conduct by everyone involved.
In 2006, a conduct panel was formed to investigate and mediate
in any matters relating to alleged misconduct of parents, supporters,
officials or players.
The FJFC Conduct Panel will convene in response to any
written notification of an issue or incident, including formal League
and umpire reports.
Notification can also be made by FJFC members, but it must
be done in writing and directed to a Committee of Management member as
soon as possible.
The Committee will then notifiy the Conduct Panel members,
who have agreed to be on standby to meet whenever issues arise.
The Conduct Panel is independent of the FJFC Committee.
Conduct Panel Membership
Membership varies but has included:
Ian Shepherd (former FJFC Vice President)
Graham Burgen (former Head Coach, Fitzroy Reds)
Michael Arnold (financial industry and CityLink ombudsman)
Grant Hammond (former coach, Fitzroy Reds)
The Conduct Panel investigates incidents and issues or,
where appropriate, conducts mediation or counselling. It will then make
recommendations to the Committee if further action is required.
The panel ensures that FJFC members abide by the Yarra Junior
Football League and FJFC codes of conduct at all times and aims to coduct
and resolve matters and disputes fairly and quickly.
Prior to making a report, club members can contact any member
of the Committee for clarification or advice.
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Age Group Policy
The Fitzroy Junior Football Club provides opportunities to play football between the ages of 9 (players need to reach this age in their first year of playing) and 17 (players must reach this age in their last year of playing). The age group for a player is determined by their age on the first of January in the current year (for example, a player who is 8 on the first of January will play in the Under 9 team, a player who is 12 on the first of January will play in the Under 13 team). Under 16 and Under 17 boys will be allocated to the YJFL Colts age group and Under 16, Under 17 and Under 18 girls will be allocated to the YJFL Youth age group. In circumstances where the Club does not field a team in a particular age group, players may be allocated to the next up age group.
It is the club's policy that all players play in their age group for the following reasons:
- This is the best way to protect the health and safety of players
- To enable players to best develop according to their age and physical capacity
- It is non-discriminatory as it applies to all players
- It provides clarity and certainty for players and parents
- It is consistent with the preferred position of the Yarra Junior Football League.
The Club recognises that at times there may be exceptional circumstances where a player may wish to play in another age group. Peer and school level groupings are not deemed to be exceptional circumstances.
Parents may make an application in writing to the Committee for consideration of a request for a player to be exempted from this policy.
The Committee will assess such requests on their merit and notify the parent of its decision in writing.
No exemptions to the policy will be granted for players that are younger than our entry age of 8 years old on the first of January as players must turn 9 years old in their first year of playing.
(Updated November 2015)
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Player Placement Policy
The Fitzroy Junior Football Club was founded in 1993 with an inclusive
philosophy that has had as its central aim the provision of recreational
opportunities for the children of Fitzroy and surrounding suburbs.
The Fitzroy Junior Football Club has always operated on the basis that
every child has an equal opportunity to play and develop as a footballer
and an individual no matter what their individual circumstances may
be provided they conduct themselves in accordance with the policies
and guidelines of the club.
Central to this philosophy has been the Club’s opposition to
universal streaming at all age groups which is defined as a policy,
where multiple teams exist in one age group, of making one team superior
to another team by selecting the best players in one team at the expense
of another.
The club has since its foundation given priority to placing players
in teams where there is a preferred peer connection.
In fact Policy 3 c states that teams should…
“Ideally be made up of a variety of players with diverse degrees
of skill, ability and confidence.”
The opposition to universal streaming, as well as the endorsement of
key player placement policies, has been affirmed by the members of the
FJFC and Committee on a number of occasions, including June 5, 2001,
re-affirmed April 7, 2002 and adopted March 2, 2004.
It is now, however, proposed to vary these player placement guidelines,
in-keeping with the inclusive and participatory culture of the club,
as many feel that the previous policy did not take into account the
natural progression of players from childhood to late adolescence.
The New Guidelines
One of the most difficult tasks for a junior football club with more
than one team in an age group is placing players in teams in a way that
satisfies all parents/guardians, players and coaching staff.
With potentially multiple teams at each age level this presents a particular
challenge to the FJFC. We do not pretend that everyone will be happy
with the outcome in any one year. We do, however, endeavour to carry
out the task according to the guidelines a set out below, and in accordance
with club culture, recognising that there may be disagreement.
The Fitzroy Junior Football Club was established to:
• Operate a sports club for residents of Fitzroy and surrounding
• Provide equal opportunity for community participation and recreation
for children from a variety of socio-economic and cultural backgrounds
and sporting abilities
• Provide a sense of community spirit and cooperation in the broader
Fitzroy community
The Club applies the following guidelines in an effort to achieve these
Under 10s – Under 12s
The club has a policy of NOT selecting players for particular teams
on the basis of any perceived playing ability. The desire is to encourage
players to play with their mates, make new ones, have fun playing competitive
footy and learn basic football skills.
During these years, typically the final years of primary schooling,
players should be:
• placed in teams with a reported peer connection
• placed in teams with a variety of players with varying degrees
of skill, ability and confidence;
• placed within teams structured in such a way as to minimise
the risk of one team having a shortfall of players on match days.
If there is a request from a parent/player for the player to move to
another team in the same age group that request will be considered in
line with these guidelines.
In these age groups, players should be given the opportunity to play
in all positions around the ground throughout the season and the emphasis
should be on player enjoyment and development rather than on the competitiveness
of the team.
Under 13s - Under 15s
From Under 13’s onwards (where there is more than one team in
the age group) players will be given the choice, as far as possible,
of either competing at a level commensurate with their physical size,
development and football skills or playing in teams with preferred peer
connections if it is safe and reasonable to do so.
At this age players are typically entering secondary school and there
is significant disparity in physical development and emotional maturity.
Also there is a noticeable increase in the physical intensity of the
competition particularly in the higher divisions of the Yarra League.
This is the more appropriate stage to place players in the level of
competition most closely suited to their stage of physical development
and to their football ability bearing in mind their desire to play with
their mates.
During these years, typically the first years of secondary schooling,
players should be placed in teams:
• to maximise their opportunities to develop and enjoy their playing
experience, and minimise undue risks of injury;
• primarily, though not exclusively, composed of players with
skills, ability and confidence commensurate with their own;
• structured in such a way as to minimise the risk of one team
having a shortfall of players on match days.
In relation to the first criterion, where necessary, the FJFC will
conduct an assessment of players in each age group prior to the commencement
of each season. This assessment will ideally be carried out by the coaching
staff for that age group and will take into account the skills, experience
and physical size and strength of each player.
The outcome of skills assessment coupled with the preferred wishes
of the player, may result in the reorganisation of the teams in the
age group but this will be based on the guidelines above and done in
consultation with, and where possible the agreement of, the player and
the player’s parents/guardians. There will be no compulsion to
play in a particular team if that person wishes to play in a lower grade
with their friends.
During these years, players should:
• be guaranteed half a game of football on match day; and
• also have the opportunity to play in a variety of positions
around the ground throughout the season (it is expected that the emphasis
will gradually shift from player enjoyment to commitment to the team
and to overall team competitiveness. That shift in emphasis will necessitate
greater consistency of positional placement in these years).
The Colts age group consists of Under 16's and Under 17's and the players
expected to train as a squad each week. Placement within the teams will
be decided by the age group coaches on a weekly basis and teams can
consist of both top and bottom age players.
The selection criteria for the higher graded Colts team (typically
Section 1) will be the same as for the U13’s to U15’s but
emphasis will be placed on overall team competitiveness and commitment
to training and team rules.
The lower graded team (typically Section 2 or 3) will accommodate those
who are not able to play at the higher level and those who wish to continue
playing football but at a more social level.
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Equipment Policy
Equipment (jumpers, footballs, first aid kits
etc) are essential to running a successful football club. The purchase
and maintenance of equipment is one of the FJFC’s major expenses.
Loss of jumpers, in particular, has in the past been an unnecessarily
large club expense.
Allocation and Return of Equipment
Player Jumpers
At the start of each season, players are allocated a jumper for use during
the season.
Players or their parents must take care of the jumper and return it to
the relevant team manager as soon as possible, but no later than 1 November,
after the season ends.
If the jumper from the previous season is not returned, the parents of
the player must pay $50 to the club and, until the money is paid or the
jumper returned, the player cannot play for any FJFC team. This policy
applies unless the loss of the jumper is due to demonstrated exceptional
circumstances (eg burglary, fire).
Colts players play in, and are presented with, a “traditional”
Fitzroy Football Club jumper when they join the colts which may be retained
by players at the end of their career with FJFC.
Each season, the club allocates equipment to coaches and team managers
– eg interchange jackets, match and training balls, first aid kit,
goal umpire’s jacket and flags, drink bottles, etc.
Coaches and Team Managers are responsible for all allocated equipment.
Team Managers should retrieve player jumpers as soon as possible after
the season ends. All equipment must be returned as soon as possible after
the season finishes, but no later than 1 December. Equipment should be
returned as follows –
All coaching equipment – to the FJFC Football Director
All Team Manager equipment and jumpers – to the Team Management
Jumpers – returned by players and parents to the relevant Team
Equipment can be replaced or topped up during the season, but all requests
must go through the relevant Committee member. For Coaches, the contact
is the Football Director. For Team Managers, the contact is the Team Management
Team Purchases
Each season, teams will be allocated a set amount of money for purchases
relating to the team. This allocation can be spent on such items as player
functions and equipment.
Reimbursement will be made for purchases by coaches and team managers
up to the limit of this allocation.
Where possible, the FJFC looks for low-cost options in purchasing equipment
which means sometimes purchasing items in bulk and often at less than
the retail price.
Team managers and coaches should first check with the relevant Committee
member prior to purchasing equipment to check that replacements are not
already available or better purchased by the Committee member.
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Communications Policy
Communication of information is essential in
any organisation, including community-based sporting clubs like the FJFC.
Good communication ensures the circulation of information which assists
participation and involvement by parents and players and the achievement
of the Club’s aims and objectives.
The FJFC believes good communication is an integral part of its function
and the club considers it enhances key club objectives like participation
and the fostering of community spirit. The FJFC is committed to good communication
with its members, officials and other key people and organisations (eg
the YJFL, City of Yarra) on important on and off field issues. The FJFC
is also keen to communicate effectively with other key people and groups
where this helps the club achieve its objectives.
There are a number of ways that a sporting club such as the FJFC can
ensure effective communication, including the use of:
- Meetings, including the annual general meeting,team meetings, and
meetings involving club officials such as coaches and team manager
- Newsletters and circulars – regular or ad hoc printed and online
- The FJFC web site
- Social events such as the Trivia Night and Presentation Day.
The FJFC holds an Annual General Meeting each year between 1 October
and 30 November (rule 16(1) of the FJFC Constitution). In addition, the
club also holds special general meetings when these are required.
The FJFC Committee meets regularly, usually once a month, and sometimes
more regularly during busy parts of the season. Committee members’
details are widely available and Committee members are available to discuss
issues with members and officials.
The club encourages regular meetings and discussions at all levels, including
among particular teams and particular age groups.
Newsletters and Circulars
The FJFC prepares a pre and post season newsletter each season and communicates
to parents when needed by email and mail during and in between seasons.
The FJFC has operated a website ( since 2003
with considerable parent assistance. Web communication offers the chance
to communicate quickly and cheaply with most members on a vast range of
club issues. The website is also open to non-club users.
The FJFC considers that its website offers a unique chance to further
improve communications by augmenting more traditional methods of communication
like newsletters. A website can improve participation in club affairs
while fostering overall club spirit.
However, web communication can also involve legal, financial and credibility
risks for the club and individuals if not overseen and managed correctly.
For example, the club needs to take care with its website to ensure content
does not breach privacy and defamation laws or disclose tactical information
to opposing teams.
The only representative site for the club, its teams, players and other
members is the officially sanctioned FJFC site at
Content on that site is approved by the FJFC Committee, and all development,
enhancements, updates and modifications are made by the FJFC approved
To ensure consistent messaging and appropriate content, the club considers
it essential that the club has only one website and one which is managed
by club officials.
Individual team pages are made available on the FJFC website for teams
to manage in cooperation with the Club’s webmaster and web policies.
Guidelines on content and design have been developed by the FJFC and
these will be communicated to teams prior to the commencement of each
Social Events
The FJFC holds a number of social and other events during the year.
The club may use these functions as an opportunity to communicate with
members and other persons.
In addition, individual team functions provide an opportunity for communication
on team matters and for players and families to relax and socialise together
outside the match day environment.
Smoking and Drinking Policy
Smoking or drinking alcohol by any parent of a Fitzroy Junior Football
Club player at any scheduled match (home or away) is strictly prohibited. Further details here
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Purchasing Policy
Purchase of goods and services is essential
to successful football clubs. Football clubs need goods and services for
on field (jumpers, footballs, jackets, first aid kits, etc), off field
activities (eg catering equipment and supplies, website design and maintenance,
printing, advertising, postage, etc) and for developmental purposes.
Purchasing is a major expense for large and small organisations. A sound
purchasing policy is essential for efficient, cost-effective purchasing
and expense control.
Team Purchases
As outlined in the Club’s Equipment Policy, each season, teams
will be allocated a set amount of money for purchases relating to the
team. This allocation can be spent on such items as player functions and
Reimbursement will be made for purchases by coaches and team managers
up to the limit of this allocation.
Where possible, the FJFC looks for low-cost options in purchasing equipment
which means sometimes purchasing items in bulk and often at less than
the retail price.
Team managers and coaches should first check with the relevant Committee
member prior to purchasing equipment to check that replacements are not
already available or better purchased by the Committee member.
Other Purchases
Purchases of any goods and services on behalf of the FJFC outside the
team allocations can only be made by, or with the approval of, the required
number of FJFC Committee members as set out below.
Any purchases made without the required Committee authority or outside
an authority are unauthorised and the club is not liable for them.
- Purchases under $20
Purchases of goods or services under $20 on behalf of the club can be
made by, or with the written (including Email) approval of, an individual
FJFC Committee member.
- Purchases between $20 and $100
Purchases of goods or services between $20 and $100 can be made by,
or with the written (including Email) approval of, no less than two
(2) FJFC Committee members (one of whom must be the Treasurer).
- Purchases between $100 and $500
Purchases of goods or services between $100 and $500 can be made by,
or with the written (including Email) approval of, no less than three
(3) FJFC Committee members (one of whom must be the Treasurer).
- Purchases between $500 and $5000
Purchases of goods or services between $500 and $5000 can be made only
by a Committee member or members acting with the approval of an absolute
majority of the FJFC Committee recorded at an FJFC Committee meeting.
- Purchases of $5000 and Over
Purchases of goods or services of $5000 or over must be made only after
an open public or closed tender (i.e. advertised within the club) unless
a three quarters majority of the FJFC Committee recorded at a Committee
meeting authorises a tender exemption.
Members making purchases in accordance with this policy must submit
receipts to the Treasurer as soon as practicable, and no later than two
months after the purchase. The Committee reserves the right to refuse
The FJFC Committee reserves the right to refuse payment or full payment
for unauthorised purchases or receipt amounts outside an authorised purchase
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Privacy Policy
The FJFC recognises that importance of each member’s privacy. The
FJFC is committed to ensuring that personal or health information is collected,
stored and used only in accordance with relevant privacy laws such as
the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and the Health Records Act 2001 (Vic).
The FJFC collects personal information (names, addresses, date of birth)
on a voluntary basis for the primary purpose of holding records of its
membership and, in particular, records about juniors who play for the
club and their parents. These persons are the vast majority of the FJFC
The FJFC maintains a mailing list which is used so the club can distribute
information to members on key operations such as training, games, club
functions, etc. Also, the FJFC collects health information from its player
members relating to treating and recording football injuries and any pre-existing
medical conditions.
Player membership information and health information is given to the
Yarra Junior Football League (YJFL) if FJFC players are selected to represent
the YJFL and when games are to be played interstate.
The FJFC takes all reasonable steps to protect the personal information
and the health information that it holds from misuse and loss, and from
unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.
You have a right to access any information that the FJFC holds about
you. If the information is not accurate, complete and up to date, you
can ask us to modify our records.
Use of Player Images
The FJFC website features photographs of FJFC players taking part in
training sessions, matches and FJFC social occasions. These photographs
are not accompanied by the players’ names.
Occasionally, the FJFC is invited to take part in promotional activities,
such as the City of Yarra Community Day, and photos of players may also
be used to promote the Club on these occasions. Again, there will also
be no names of players used.
Each year when new players register to play with the FJFC, parents will
be asked to give permission for their child’s images to be used
in the ways described above. |